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TmaxEduAI innovates education and knowledge

TmaxEduAI was established in 2022 under the motto of contributing
to the everlasting peace of human through education.

We are building a world where anyone can create digital contents of knowledge and share them throughout the world by utilizing all technology that we have developed until now.


We foster a bright future, in which everyone can acquire personalized knowledge through hyper-personalization, and work autonomously in their own specialized fields.


By integrating technology, contents, and platforms, TmaxEduAI provides an AI-based education platform that will change the paradigm of the whole knowledge ecosystem. With our outstanding R&D workforce and insight in this  rapidly changing world, we will leap forward as a global market leader.


We promise to be a reputable and trustworthy company that builds a world where anyone can aspire to achieve their dreams.

Our Business

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77 Employees

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Business Field




A platform consisted of lectures and contents with metaverse and AI technology incorporated for a thrilling learning experience.

RG Class

An educational platform that incorporates AI technology and Tmax's knowledge DB to ease the burden on teachers and instructors, and support customized classes for students


From Reading to Experience! A customizable knowledge platform that makes it easy to create and acquire vivid knowledge updated by the app




Analyze your level through diagnostic evaluation,

Learn with customized learning 

Achieve your goals in the most

efficient way. 



Through AI level diagnosis

Identify students' strengths and weaknesses.

Design curriculums for each individuals.



Self-development programs for the general public Non face-to-face certification training course 

Increases the efficiency of the system's own operation.



Reduced employee training time with

AI-based adaptive learning.

Ultimately achieves Improved work productivity. 



Teachers collect data from students

and create contents easily through

authoring tools.

Maximized development efficiency

and education performance. 


TmaxEduAI has received multiple awards, and experience in various fields prove its limitless capabilities and cutting-edge technology.


Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee

WAPL Math was acclaimed for its value as an AI customized education platform, and won the Presidential Award for Chairman of the 4th Industrial Revolution Committee

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Korea Education and Research Information Service


Smart City Edutech Demonstration, and Hackathon Award for Excellence

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Korea Financial Investment Association


Establishment of 'R2+' service, an AI personalized financial investment specialized as an education platform based on financial KDB (knowledge map)

Core Competence

Interactive Lecture Platform

Interactive training is possible between class participants. 


Create and share educational services quickly and easily

Automatic creation ofeducational contents and Content quality
and Be productive. 


​Automatic content creation and augmentation

Interactive training is possible between class participants. 


Hyper-personalized learning recommendations

Through the learner's learning analysis Sophisticated personalized learning recommendations service.


adaptive learning

according to learning outcomes
Guides you to the learning content that's right for you. 

Recent News

[4차산업혁명 어워드/4차위원장상] 티맥스에이아이 "평등한 양질의 교육 환경 제공"

티맥스에이아이, AI 기반 금융투자 교육 서비스 ‘알투플러스’ 개발

티맥스, '슈퍼위크 2022' 개최...“새로운 세상을 만들 슈퍼앱 공개”


Tmax Sunae Tower, 29 Hwangsaeul-ro 258beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Product Purchase Inquiries: 031-8018-1111 | Technical Service Center: 1544-8629 | Representative number: 031-8018-9300

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